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2022년 4월 1일1분 분량
The Churches of Revelation(20220327)
2022.03.27. Revelation 2:8-11 The Churches of Revelation Smyrna, the faithful church Hardworking church Persecuted church
조회수 32회댓글 0개
MI manager
2022년 4월 1일1분 분량
Awake and Walk by faith(20220320)
2022.03.20. Awake and Walk by faith Awake, acknowledge God in all maters and trust Him Walk by faith Be a good messenger who brings the...
조회수 15회댓글 0개
MI manager
2022년 4월 1일1분 분량
God's Purpose(20220313)
2022.03.13. Genesis 4:6-7 God's Purpose Lesson on Satan and his invitations The result of sin-jealousy Cain acted in his own way and...
조회수 8회댓글 0개
MI manager
2022년 2월 16일1분 분량
Positive Change(20220206)
2022.02.06. Psalm 4:3-5:3 Positive Change - Worry or Trust - Pray or Problem - Stay or Move
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2022년 2월 16일1분 분량
Problems and Solutions(20220130)
2022.01.30. Phil. 4:6-7 Problems and Solutions - Know the problems - Solutions to the problems
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2022년 2월 16일1분 분량
Kinds of Faith(20220213)
2022.02.13. James 2:14-26 Kinds of Faith - Intellectual Faith Knowledge oriented faith - Emotional Faith - True and wholistic faith that...
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MI manager
2022년 1월 19일1분 분량
2022.01.09. 2 Peter 3:18 Growth -good excuses of life -things to do for your growth
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MI manager
2022년 1월 19일1분 분량
Consider your ways(20220102)
2022.01.02. Haggai 1:4-6 Consider your ways-Think of your ways of life -consider your ways of life -get out of our stereotypes and...
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MI manager
2021년 12월 23일1분 분량
Valuable life or Convenient Life(20211219)
2021.12.19. Ecclesiastes 2:3-11 Valuable life or Convenient Life -Knowing human heart -The value of work to please God -Discipline,...
조회수 2회댓글 0개
MI manager
2021년 12월 23일1분 분량
Different Life Values(20211212)
2021.12.12. Different Life Values - We all live in turmoil and confusion - Happiness and Joy - Optimistic attitude or Pessimistic attitude
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2021년 12월 7일1분 분량
Learn to be content(20211205)
2021.12.05. 1 Timothy 6:1-11 Learn to be content -We are unhappy because we fail to content -Advantage in adversity -Get out of your...
조회수 1회댓글 0개
MI manager
2021년 12월 7일1분 분량
How to live a good Christian life(20211128)
2021.11.28. John 4:4-9 How to live a good Christian life -Attitude -Skills -Concern
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2021년 12월 7일1분 분량
Give Thanks(20211121)
2021.11.21. Give Thanks -Why do we have to give thanks to God? -Ways to express our thanks to God
조회수 2회댓글 0개
MI manager
2021년 11월 18일1분 분량
A good example to follow(20211114)
2021.11.14. A good example to follow 1Thess. 1:5-10 -They were willing to live by faith -They were followers of Christ -They were...
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MI manager
2021년 11월 18일1분 분량
Rebuild the temple-Ezra, a good example(20211107)
2021.11.07. Rebuild the temple-Ezra, a good example Ezra 7:6-10 -Ezra devoted his life to studying and practicing God's word -Ezra...
조회수 0회댓글 0개
MI manager
2021년 11월 18일1분 분량
Your wellbeing & Church(20211031)
2021.10.31. Your wellbeing & Church Acts 2:41-42 What is wellbeing? What determines our well being? Church&your welleing
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MI manager
2021년 8월 17일1분 분량
Christian Ministry(2,3)(20210808)
2021.08.08. Phil. 4:14-17 Christian Ministry(2,3) - Christian Ministry means sacrifice - Christian leads us to joy
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MI manager
2021년 8월 17일1분 분량
Christian Ministry(1)(20210808)
2021.08.08. Phil. 4:14-17 Christian Ministry(1) - Serving as investment
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MI manager
2021년 8월 17일1분 분량
Christian life and its goal(2,3)(20210815)
2021.8.15. Psalms 126:5-6 Christian life and its goal(2, 3) - Plant the seed of life and hope - Expect harvest
조회수 2회댓글 0개
MI manager
2021년 8월 17일1분 분량
Christian life and its goal(1)(20210815)
2021.8.15. Psalms 126:5-6 Christian life and its goal(1) - Be prepared
조회수 0회댓글 0개
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